Friday, September 29, 2006

What's It All About, AstroRoach?

Right now is the single most important period in the history of humankind. You may be thinking "that's what everyone feels about their own era" but this period is radically different.

At no other time have our decisions had so much impact. In an astonishingly short time, humankind will be dead, enslaved, or transended beyond the limits of biology and imagination. Within a few decades, one of these outcomes will be our fate. It's inevitable.

The minefield of choices ahead can only be succesfully navigated by an informed populace. Sadly many citizens are hypnotized and distracted by a media more concerned with what Paris Hilton is wearing (or not wearing) than the grave issues before us. They cover gamesmanship and name calling as if it was political news while virtually ignoring matters of critical importance.

While some see the peril ahead the vast majority simply don't want to know. In our ignorance we aren't going to make the right decisions, and things are going to get very, very bad.

But hey, we've got some time left, so I'm going to keep blogging and help keep you amused, informed and entertained while we spiral down to apocalypse. Maybe we can educate a few people, or at least have some fun while we can.

It's going to be a bumpy ride.

- Randy Roach

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, how can you be so pessimistic? Nothing is too late amd I am sure the future is bright. I do not believe the media's words either. But your comments look like as devastating to read as the news on radio. I know that saying "nothing is too late" will make people going "lazy" and not blog, but let me say "nothing is too late as long as you act"